Vegetarian in Vietnam
No meat, no soup? One vegetarian tries to find her way through Vietnamese cuisine.
Bloodletting at Dakshinkali
My guide asked me if I’d be interested in attending a sacred Hindu ceremony in Pharping, a town about an hour’s ride from Kathmandu, Nepal.
In Praise of Pickled Cabbage
To Koreans kimchi is more than just cuisine. It is a source of national pride, an identifying symbol, an all-healing health food.
Waiting for Moss
Surrounded by monks, one carrying a large stick to whack anyone who moved, I had no choice but to accept it and sit still.
Wrapped Up in Bows
A non-spiritual traveler ventures to Gyeongju, a southeastern province in Korea that hosts Golgulsa, a Zen Buddhist temple.
Leeches and M&Ms
Tripping and sliding through the West Papuan jungle for five hours was not my idea of a good time.
Of Bowing and Batons
Hoping to de-stress and detox, a woman signs up for 24 hours at a Korean Buddhist temple.
The Love Person
The seasons of a relationship serve as a constant touchstone for connection during one person's travels in Vietnam.
Fish Tale
A father and daughter shop for fish at a market, or pasar, in Sentani, West Papua.
The Art of a Foodgasm
Gabijim, kimchi and makgeolli: a special foodie kind of threesome.
Riding the Rails with Mother Theresa
Taking a train ride in Myanmar in coach instead of first class where most of the foreigners ride.
Kaili Crack Buns
If you see a line in front of a bakery, chances are there's something great within.
Love in Yellow and White
Sitting the next morning across from our adoption specialist, my heart knew first what my trembling hands still waited to grasp.
Lost in the Himalayas
I learned about my own humanness over those few days, how much I wanted to live, and how far I could push myself to live.
Expect the Unexpected
It's not every day you stumble upon an annual Torch Festival.
Meditating on the Terrifying
A tough meditation session reveals a clearer mindset and revelations.
Ticket to Nowhere
The idea of a sail round the harbor was to escape the oppressive heat of Guangzhou, but which boat was it?
The Mission
Continuing through the market, our eyes widened — here was food we’d never seen before.
The Holy Mountain
The mountain is Sri Pada, also known as Adam’s Peak, is the only mountain in the world to be venerated by four major world religions.
Sticky Rice – Alms in Luang Prabang, Laos
Travelers witness the traditional ceremony of giving alms to the monks, which begins at dawn.
I can honestly say that not once in my life did I imagine I would someday conduct a parent-teacher conference in the buff.
My Plans Have Changed Drastically
Sometimes unexpected twists and turns are best, like an invitation to visit a local in a small village in Vietnam.
Chasing Shadows
Our expedition was a snow leopard conservation project to scout for signs that all was well in the snow leopard’s realm.
Anup’s World: The Haunting Truth of a Twelve-Year-Old Boy
I followed 12-year-old Anup through the streets of Kathmandu, into a tangle of broken down, dilapidated apartment buildings.
Taking Shots in China
Food and drink are perhaps the oldest and best way to connect with others.
Survival Tastes Like A Bowl of White Rice
Without this staple, we all would have starved. Rice was breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Running on the Roof of the World
There is literally nothing like running in the shadow of the world's largest mountain.
Reborn in Rain
An English teacher in rural Northwest Japan seeks peace after an earthquake and a relationship shift.
My Only Prayer
A steady stream of seekers continued around the monastery’s perimeter along Pilgrim’s Way, turning prayer wheel after prayer wheel.
Half-Baked Decisions
Half way between two countries going after a lost passport. Half way between two relationships as well.
Hair of the Dog/Bile of the Snake
Nothing could prepare us for the drinking adventure that began when the bar owner pulled out a live, 8-foot-long cobra used to make wine.
Caught in the moment at a Taiwanese monastery
A weekend spent at Fo Guang Shan, a 55-acre Buddhist monastery in a bamboo forest at the base of a Taiwanese mountain range.
A Place Less Foreign
Christmas in another country can show a lot about a local culture.
Krang Yaw
We were visiting the only primary school for miles, and looking forward to working with the kids, ranging in age from 6 to 8 years old.
Trekking in Laos
I was hoping to meet some like-minded tourists on my foray into the Laos countryside, but I am the only one who has signed up for the trek.
Another Tet Offensive
I was thinking about doing something to mark the new year, as well, something that would take a little bit of courage.
All Bound Up
Yukatas and kimonos are not the same, but they are perhaps equally confusing for a first-time wearer.
Trafficking Innocence
I choked on my chicken curry when Boupha told me she was 12. She looked six.
Confrontation at Xegar Checkpoint
“He wants your passports,” translated our Tibetan guide. We jumped to attention and, with misgivings, handed over the documents.
Beep Beep! in Vietnam
Driving in Vietnam is an adventure in its own right, whether you're in a car, a bike or on a scooter.
Lingering Garden
Suzhou, China is known throughout the world for its exquisite private gardens, including Liuyaun or Lingering Garden.
South Kalimantan: The Land of a Thousand Rivers
Travels through South Kalimantan reveal a worldview that was instinctive and centered around nature and the river.
Meditating in Southern Thailand
Ten days is the minimum amount of time to devote to learning the basics of what for some is a lifelong effort.
Ten Things to try in Kuching, Sarawak
Here are 10 things you ought to try when you're in Kuching, Sarawak.
The Ride Home from Phan Thiet
Watch out for the scooters. Everyone uses their horns. A herd of cows slowly crosses the road followed by three small women swatting them.
Stinky Rotten Fish Sauce
My dislike of the touristy and love of the obscure found me seeking solitude on Phu Quoc island.
Mojitos in Tokyo
Mojitos and a salsa club in Roppongi, Tokyo's racy bar district.
Travel Somewhere
Come on, girl: Think. What have you always wanted to do and never done?
Korean Grave Etiquette
An English teacher gets an invite to visit a student's grandparents' grave in South Korea.
Circling the Mongolian Steppe
Mongolia holds none of the usual mental expectations of an adventure travel destination.
Peach Cigarettes in Tokyo
The first time I smoked a peach cigarette, I was wearing a dinosaur suit and sitting on my friend’s balcony in a Tokyo suburb.
Among the Hmong: Sa Pa, Vietnam
A connection with a Hmong woman in a market turns into friendship.
Elephant Driving 101
Shivering in the dawn, we slurp instant coffee from bamboo cups and wait for the elephants.
Flunking Buddhism
A traveler from Seattle ventures up a mountain in southwest China to experience Tibetan Buddhism in its motherland.
Ibu Tina
Like most Indonesian women, Ibu Tina is not given to crying or complaining about her lot in life.
The Wake
After being in the Philippines for only a few days, a woman sets out for a distant barrio to attend the wake of someone who has died.
In Thailand, a traveler comes face-to-face with death - and the meaninglessness of "identity."
Experience Indonesia By Soul Not Just Sight
A left-brained and a right-brained traveler share a love for Indonesia and experience the beauty and the bounty of Bali.
Coming Home To Can Tho
What makes Can Tho in the Mekong Delta so special is not the pagodas or historical landmarks. It’s the people.
Not Just Yet
We have been sucked into the backward world of Ban Cho Pla, a quaint village where time stands still.
Looking for Black Gibbons
One woman hopes to spot a black gibbon, but instead has an adventure in jungle sounds.
Tibetan Truths
A journalist ponders the truth behind whether the Tibetans were the oppressed and the Chinese were the oppressors.