Like many of you, I wouldn’t mind putting 2020 behind me and forgetting that it ever happened. There might be one or two photos of me taken this year with a mask on as I would like little-to-no evidence of the circumstances that brought the world to its knees and put a near-complete stop to Read More…
All the Rest
2017 ~ Looking Ahead
While New Year’s is always a good time to refocus, plan and make goals, I’ve learned to harness that energy and feeling of a clean slate throughout the year, making New Year’s Resolutions less important. Read More…
One Bold Move a Month in 2017 ~ January
What are you doing to Be Bold? Our Wanderlusters continue to respond to this question and provide some really interesting responses to what they are doing to be adventurous and Bold in their own way. Read More…
2016 Year in Review
While I realize this is not the case for many, for me, 2016 was not a bad year at all. Actually, it was pretty darn good. Here’s my year in review–a little snapshot of the highlights from a year many are happy to see gone.
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My not-so-big-fat Bhutan Wedding
In a spur of the moment decision, Jon and I decided to get married during our recent trip to Bhutan! Our dear friends/family there outfitted us in traditional clothes and put together an amazing ceremony in less than 24 hours. Read More…
Post-election Thoughts
It hasn’t been an easy week+ for any of us. But it might do some good to pause and reflect on how we’re going to move forward in the coming days, months and years. Read More…
More Bold Moves from Our Community
What are you doing to Be Bold? Our Wanderlusters continue to respond to this question and provide some really interesting responses to what they are doing to be adventurous and Bold in their own way. Read More…
What Are You Doing That’s Bold?
What are you doing to Be Bold? Some of our Wanderlusters responded to this question and provided some really interesting responses to what they are doing. Read More…
Win a $50 Amazon Gift Card ~ Take Our Survey!
As you may have read in my post about 2016, changes are on their way this year! In the coming months, this website will undergo a pretty major redesign. I’m currently working with both my web designer and web mistress on these changes. In the meantime, I’d love to get your feedback on the current Read More…
Halloween Fun Facts
I used to really get into Halloween. I would spend months working on my costume. While I can’t say I ever created anything too fancy, I did have fun with the process. I’ve been traveling out of the country for the past couple of Halloweens and have missed seeing our neighborhood kids dressed up. Sadly, Read More…