Need a color infusion to brighten your cloudy days? In Seattle, look no further than Chihuly Garden and Glass for a striking counterbalance to Fifty Shades of Grey in the Pacific Northwest. Showcasing the works of local glass artist, Dale Chihuly, the long-term exhibit at Seattle Center offers a vibrant tonic of sumptuous colors, innovation and inspiration. Wandering through the stunning collection reminds me of […]
NFL Super Bowl XLIX: Go Hawks!
While the East Coast readied for bombogenesis (the ultimate snow bomb) this week, we Seattleites have enjoyed unusually balmy weather with clear, sunny skies and temperatures in the 60s. Rain is moving in again, but overall, not a bad backdrop for our weeklong celebration honoring the Seattle Seahawks, top contenders for the NFL Super Bowl XLIX championship next Sunday. If you’re […]
2014: Oh, the Places I’ve Been!
How to capture an entire year of phenomenal travel experiences in one post? Impossible. Instead, here’s a photo montage of a few favorites, reminding me what a lucky gal I am . . . February and August . . . I fell in love with Quebec . . . March . . . Stopped by San Francisco, the […]
Seattle Summer Sunsets
We Seattleites are used to hearing jokes about our rainy weather: “What do you call two straight days of rain in Seattle?” Answer: “A weekend.” “When’s the rainy season in Seattle? Answer: “August through April and May through July.” “What does daylight saving time mean in Seattle?” Answer: “An extra hour of rain.” “When does […]
Seattle Art Museum’s: “Miró: The Experience of Seeing”
Looking for a spur of the moment weekend or mid-week getaway? Hop on a plane, walk or run to Seattle Art Museum’s latest exhibit, “Miró: The Experience of Seeing.” The program focuses on the synergistic play between the Spanish artist’s sculptures and paintings at the end of his six-decade career and is the only stop on the West Coast. […]
Spirits Afoot: A Grand Distillery Tasting Adventure
Take a rain-drenched Sunday afternoon in Seattle. Invite a few of your favorite distilleries for a grand tasting tour at the Old Rainier Brewery. Sell tickets to the general public to benefit the Washington Distillers Guild. Sound like all the makings for a singular event? You bet. Fun, educational, plus the chance to sample some of the best […]
Women Stars of Food and Wine
How refreshing to find an event that focuses on Women Stars of Food and Wine – the best women chefs, winemakers and sommeliers in the Pacific Northwest. Yeah! When the event is billed as a fundraiser for Women’s Funding Alliance, investing in the future of women and girls, even better. “Male chefs have a long […]
7 Days to Seattle Seahawks Super Bowl Sunday!
7 days – and counting – to Seattle Seahawks Super Bowl Sunday! Woo hoo! As always, the Seahawks’ 12th Man stands ready to help catapult the team to victory over the Denver Broncos in the NFL Super Bowl XLVIII. So what exactly is the 12th man – and how can you join the club? Here’s what […]
Curly (the Extremely Curious) Camel at Seattle’s Swansons Nursery
“Hello, Gorgeous.” Curly (the Extremely Curious) Camel loves posing for visitors at Seattle’s Swansons Nursery. But only during the holiday season when he’s waiting for Santa. See for yourself: “Which way do you want me to pose: this way or . . . “ “that way?” “Time to pucker up. Come a little closer . […]
Dreaming of a White Christmas in Seattle
It could happen. Miracles do, you know. Especially at this time of year. Weather forecasters are predicting a possible dusting in Seattle tomorrow morning – which could very well extend to next week. Okay, I made that last part up. Still, let’s keep hope alive. We could have a white Christmas yet . . . […]