When I was little, I wanted everything about my life to be the same as I saw in Christmas movies. Christmas was certainly portrayed as a day when the world transformed from the chaotic place it actually was to a snow – covered landscape, magically silent and peaceful. Unfortunately for me, I spent my childhood […]
Best Gifts for Home Cooks
If you are anything like me, the holidays are approaching, fast. Though most of my gifts are settled, wrapped and sitting nicely under the tree (ha!) there are few home cooks on my list that aren’t quite covered yet. Never fear food – loving friends! This post is dedicated to the procrastinators out there, those […]
Easy Holiday Party Snacks
Last week, I gathered up a list of the best Christmas Party Cocktails. Cocktails are important, but I missed an important point. The food. Food makes the holidays go ’round. Am I right? This week, while preparing for a holiday party of my own, I’ve cultivated a list of the best easy holiday party snacks. They […]