I am so excited to share with you one of my favorite places to shop, The Loaded Trunk. Today feels like an really special day to let you in on one of my best sources for global treasures as I am celebrating my one year anniversary of WanderShopper. My gift to each of you is […]
Overland Equipment Donner Bag Travels the World with WanderTours
I was delighted when I learned that I would be receiving a new Overland Equipment Donner Bag for going on a WanderTour in 2013. As the owner of two other Donner Bags, I knew what a special treat this would be. In fact, every single woman who goes on a WanderTour any time during 2013, […]
Earth Friendly Shopping Accessories
Part of being a good world citizen is knowing how to be an earth friendly shopper. It seems that so many places you go and purchase things, the cashier’s first instinct is to place your items in a plastic bag which will be destined for a landfill. There are many functional and stylish alternatives. Whether […]