Walking 450 miles in 47 days, with plenty of time to think, reflect, and contemplate, the only words of wisdom I seemed to be able to come up with myself were, “Life’s short. Eat dessert first.” And they aren’t even my original words. Good thing then that along the pilgrimage route that I walked, others provided me with plenty of inspiring words of wisdom from the Camino de Santiago.
Some words of wisdom were about the walk itself:
Other words of wisdom were about self-appreciation:
Here are a few very popular words of wisdom:
This one translates to “onward and higher.” One of my personal favorites.
The Beatles inspired these words of wisdom:
Perhaps you want to wish this to someone:
Perhaps you want to write a love note to someone:
Here are some words of wisdom from the Camino de Santiago that I hope we all can reflect upon:
Sweet Travels!
For more blogs about my 502-mile, 47-day journey across northern Spain and up the Atlantic Coast, please visit my Camino de Santiago category.
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