I found Minnemom’s Toilet Art just hilarious and her Rules for Parents at Children’s Museums is definitely worth a read.
I’m thrilled to introduce a two moms who are blogging about travel right here on Wanderlust & Lipstick: Elizabeth who’ll be blogging about her life and travels in Hong Kong on DimSumDiary and Beth who’ll be blogging about the process to adopt from abroad as she begins this journey on PampersPakhlava.
Earlier this month, the prolific Debbie from DeliciousBaby has a great article on 8 Roadblocks to Family Travel and Why You Shouldn’t Let Them Stop You . Read it, you’ll be glad you did.
I laughed out loud at the Kid’s Family Vacation Top-10 List on Fodors.com from MudslideMama of the TravelingMamas.com. From this list, I’m sure she’s been sitting beside me at an airport gate or hotel restaurant recently. There’s also a Hyatt Hotel Giveaway running on this site at the moment. Hop on over and check it out.
Speaking of contests, you must check out the giveaway for a week-long stay at a Tuscan villa on Ciao Bambino – having spent a week in Tuscany with an extended family group last summer (including 12 children!!), I can honestly say that this is a vacation every family should consider.
Finally, kudos to Mara at MotherOfAllTrips for a smashing site re-design.