Cormac McCarthy once wrote, “There is no such joy in the tavern as upon the road thereto.” While his may have been speaking in a more symbolic sense, I’d like to take him a little more literally. And to his comment, I have to say that as a traveler—and as a lover of beverages booze-filled and zero-proof—oftentimes, what’s in the tavern can help you understand what you found on the road.
By sampling the beverages of a region, you get a taste of its terrior, a better understanding of the place you’re in and the people who surround you, whether you’re in an unfamiliar destination abroad or in your own neighborhood.
That’s why Lanee started this blog in 2011. And that’s why I’ll be taking the helm from this point on. Each week, and hopefully more frequently as I imbibe this ever-growing liquid universe, the new Wanderlush Diary will bring you tales of “spiritual” adventures, reviews of some of my favorite tipples, interviews with top experts in the field, and a menu full of recipes for palatable potables and intoxicating inebriants.
So join me at the bar for a toast to the endless Wanderlush adventures ahead of us.
Veni, Vidi, Bibi! (I Came, I Saw, I Drank)