My all time favorite Christmas food item is egg nog, with the peanut butter fudge by grandma makes being a close second. I’ve tried all types of egg nog from organic to highly processed grocery nog. I even went through the long, laborious process of making my own using George Washington’s official Egg Nog recipe I shared with you last year about this time. (boy did George Washington like a stiff holiday drink!)
Here’s my (R-L) mom, stepdad Don and I all posing with our George Washington nog from Christmas 2011.
Trying to save on calorie consumption, as real egg nog is like a whole day’s worth of calories in one glass, I have even sampled various vegan egg nogs from Silk and other non-dairy companies but I’ve never made my own vegan nog-minus-the-egg.
Here are my favorite 3 ‘healthy’ vegan egg nog recipes I found and they are listed from easy to elaborate. The Matrioshka Eggnog looks most intriguing as it uses avocado and coconut milk to imitate the thick, frothy texture. Maybe I’ll get really ambitious and make all three low-calorie vegan egg nog recipes.
Happy & healthy holidays to you!
Egg Not (vegan egg nog)
2 ounces soy milk
1 1/2 ounces gingersnap Snap liquor
1/2 ounce pecan syrup (mix equal parts sugar and water, add a handful of pecans and boil down to a syrup)
Shake and double strain into cocktail glass, garnish with a nutmeg shaving
Recipe spotted at
Homemade Vegan Egg Nog Recipe
3 Cups Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk
4 Tbsp Agave
2 Tbsp Vanilla
Dash of Salt
1 Tbsp Rum Extract
1/2 Tsp Nutmeg
1/2 Tsp Cinnamon
Rum or Brandy (Optional)
In a medium sauce pan (medium/low heat) place all ingredients and stir until completely warm. Place in a glass, add rum or brandy if desired. Makes 2 Servings.
Recipe spotted at
Matrioshka Eggnog by Isa Chandra Moskowitz of Post Punk Kitchen
1 ripe avocado
1 13 oz can coconut milk
3 cups almond milk
1/2 cup agave nectar
2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
1 teaspoon ground nutmeg (freshly grated)
1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
Tiny pinch cloves
Rum to taste (start with 1/3 cup)
Cinnamon sticks for garnish if you have them
Pour coconut milk into a container. Place coconut milk and avocado in the freezer for about 45 minutes. They shouldn’t be frozen but they should be really, really cold (a little iciness on the coconut milk is ok.)
Slice avocado in half, remove the pit, peel it and place in a blender. Add all of the other ingredients as well. Blend until smooth. That’s it! Sprinkle with a little extra nutmeg and garnish with a cinnamon stick if you like.
Recipe spotted at
Do you have an Egg Not (Vegan) Recipe you love?
Just paste the recipe or link in the comment box below: