This Mountain Khakis Wanderlust Fleece is in my humble opinion the perfect Christmas gift for anyone who (1) likes cute clothes, (2) wants to be mind-blowingly comfortable, and (3) doesn’t mind that she will inevitably wear this fleece every day. The Wanderlust fleece is what I have come to call my “life uniform.” Every day demands […]
The Ever-Ready Pre-Packed Travel Toiletry Kit
Still need a New Year’s resolution? Here, I’ll loan you mine. Make and maintain and ever-ready, already-packed travel toiletry kit. I could spend weeks considering what clothing I might bring on a trip, but then when it’s time to go I start thrashing around throwing all my regular size toiletries into a ziplock and grabbing […]
International Women’s Day, Eastern European Style
The driver muttered “congratulations” as I stepped out of the maxi-taxi, a van better suited to hauling furniture than people. I did a double take. My first thought: how could this bus driver know that my birthday was coming up? “Cordial” is not a word I’d associate with bus drivers in Moldova. I was caught off […]