A hike along the bluff trail of Ebey’s Landing Historical Reserve yielded the following photo tour. The trail takes you up along a ridge past a working farm overlooking the rocky beach, sea grasses and Perego’s Lake below. The wildflowers are out now and if you hurry you will catch them! Directions to get to Ebey’s Landing can be found here and a wonderful Naturalists Guide and other resources here. The skies were ominous and by the time we reached the car it poured but the colors were out in all their glory.
<div style=’text-align:center;font-size:11px;font-family:arial;font-weight:normal;margin:10px;padding:0;line-height:normal’><a href=’http://www.dwellable.com/a/2826/Washington-State/Puget-Sound/Whidbey-Island/Vacation-Rentals’ style=’border:none’><img src=’http://www.dwellable.com/dwellback/2826.jpg’ style=’width:102px;height:20px;border:none;margin:0;padding:0′><br>Whidbey Island on Dwellable</a></div>