Gyumri, Armenia Gyumri’s stark, old world beauty is particularly suited for black and white. , Want to see more cool shots? Check out Delicious Baby Photo Friday!
Through the blue gate
Two days after we became family in the eyes of the court, we went to take our daughter out of the orphanage. Other than a few weeks in the hospital as a newborn, this was the only home she’d ever had. The eight nannies who tended to her every need were the only “moms” she’d […]
On the road to Gyumri
“You’re in good hands,” our agency’s attorney told as we climbed into the back of a black sedan idling in the airport parking lot. It was midnight, Yerevan time, and the moon was new which meant it was so dark outside that I wouldn’t have been able to make out the taxi if the headlights […]
Dreams of Ishkan fish
Who would have guessed that in a small landlocked, mountainous country in the South Caucasus, you can find the most delicious fish? Not me. But you can, and that’s why I’ve been dreaming about eating fish, Ishkan fish. Ishkan fish is a lake trout from Lake Sevan in Armenia.Lake Sevan was once the largest lake […]
Spitak Earthquake: 24 years ago
When I was in Gyumri–in 2011 and 2012–I could still see evidence of the massive earthquake that struck Armenia on December 7, 1988 at 11:41 a.m. The epicenter was located in Spitak, at least 25,000 people lost their lives,and hundreds of thousands were left homeless. Measuring 6.8 on the Richter Scale, the massive earthquake destroyed […]
Three girls from Gyumri
A little over a month ago, Big Papa, Baby Bird and I took a trip to the east coast to visit our families. One of the highlights of our trip was a rendezvous with two of Baby Bird’s “sisters” from the children’s home in Gyumri, Armenia where she lived for the first year of her […]
Never yield
Friday: our fourth trip to Gyumri and final visit with Baby Bird. On this morning, before heading north, the plan was to stop at the Ministry of Justice Office and sign papers to register Baby Bird. Registering signaled our intent to adopt Baby Bird. Our taxi driver for the day bore an uncanny resemblance to […]
Shadows from places I’ve been
Keep your face always toward the sunshine –and shadows will fall behind you. ~Walt Whitman Yerevan, Armenia Gyumri, Armenia Baja Mexico desert Kelsey Creek Park, Bellevue Washington Want more shadows and light? Check out Delicious Baby Photo Friday!
Running on fumes
Day three: on the road to Gyumri. We had a different translator than we had on days one and two. She was a quintessential Armenian beauty with dark brown hair blown-dry straight, large luminous brown eyes, always dressed to the nines, model-thin body. We’d had her translate for us before and on several occasions also […]
Ticket to ride
Big Papa and I made three more visits to the children’s home in Gyumri to visit Baby Bird. On day two, as our taxi pulled up to the apartment where we were staying, I paused, remembering the lack of shock absorbers…and the flat tire, from the day before. As soon as we climbed into the […]