Just about the time some of us put away our decorations and take down our tree, Armenians ramp-up for Armenian Christmas! The Armenian Orthodox Church celebrates Christmas on January 6, not December 25. This day is also known as Epiphany, the revelation of Jesus being God’s son. For most Armenians Christmas is a religious holiday and […]
Nestle for Men: The manly chocolate bar
Big Papa may have felt left out of the Halloween festivities, because today he hauled out his very last ‘Nestle for Men‘ bar. Yep. For men. We purchased this bar some time (years) ago in Armenia, because…well, you never know when a guy might need a manly boost. The Nestle company launched the bar in […]
A gift from Gyumri: Armenian fruit leather
A package arrived from Armenia this week. Inside were several special gifts including Armenian fruit leather. There is nothing more delicious (in my admittedly biased opinion) than homemade–IN ARMENIA–fruit leather. The fruit leather from Gyumri, where my daughter was born, has a certain something that makes it so good, you want to wrap yourself up […]
Autumn in Armenia
Four of my six trips to Armenia have taken place in the fall, so when the weather begins to change and the air becomes crisp, leaves turn color, and the smell of rain is in the air, my mind wanders to Autumn in Armenia. Alongside roads, farmers set out fruit to sell. Ripe grapes hang […]
Armenian Genocide: 100 Year Remembrance
Every year on April 24, thousands of Armenians gather at Tsitsernakaberd, the Armenian genocide monument. But this year is significant in that it marks the 100th anniversary of the Armenian genocide of 1915. Completed in 1967, Tsitsernakaberd is dedicated to the memory of the 1.5 million Armenians who perished in the first genocide of the […]
Pampers and Pakhlava: 6th Anniversary!
How did I manage to miss my blog anniversary?! Six years ago, I decided to BE BOLD and launched myself into the blogosphere with Pampers and Pakhlava. On April 13, 2009, in my first post, From here to there, I talked about the decision process my husband and I went through when we chose to […]
Kim Kardashian visits Armenia: Five posts she should read
Word on the street is that Kim Kardashian, her sister Kloe and two cousins are visiting their motherland. Bari Galust, Kim. Welcome to Armenia! 1. Since you have your daughter North along for the trip, you’ll definitely want to read my post about sightseeing in Yerevan with an infant. 2. I’m not sure how long […]
“The” Dress Shop
There is a dress shop in Yerevan that those of us in the know refer to as “The” Dress Shop. Sharan Crafts Center employs talented local artisans who produce beautiful items for family and home including sweaters, pillows holiday ornaments, Christmas stockings, toys, hair accessories. And dresses. I’ve heard the store is mostly frequented by […]
Two weeks in Yerevan with an infant
Three years ago, we spent a a couple weeks in Yerevan, Armenia, as a new family. In between obtaining a passport and visa for Baby Bird, we spent a lot of time wandering through the city. Here are a few of her favorite diversions. Listening to the soulful sound of the duduk. Our little one […]
Nappies for Nork
Do you ever feel like you want do something bigger than yourself, even just a little something? Send a few dollars to Nappies for Nork. Nork is a children’s home in Yerevan, one of the two children’s homes I visited during my trips to Armenia. Here’s more: Nappies for Nork Nork orphanage, located in Yerevan, […]