One of the major highlights of being specifically, an expat teacher abroad is the extended time we get with our people back home, quality time that I’m not sure I could live abroad without. But going home is often eclipsed by the major low of actually getting there, the actual act of travel, the traveling. And since less traveling isn’t […]
What I've Learned as an Expat
The Word No One Uses to Describe Living Abroad
When our people back in New Jersey ask us about moving abroad they use lots of words: brave, exciting, complicated, scary, adventure, different, very different. But they never use this word: simple. Sure there could be complicated things about living overseas as a whole: navigating a foreign country, learning new customs, trying to get out of a […]
Forget the Swimsuit: What to Take on a Beach Vacation
I don’t know if you know this about us, but we live on an island. Beach vacations are sort of our thing, if you will. So I thought that with summer and beach vacations in full speed boat throttle, maybe some tips that we’ve learned along the way might come in handy for those of you […]