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I have long been fond of Chan Marshall (aka Cat Power) and her ability to capture mood in a song. Her newest release is by far my favorite. I am in particular fond of this song, Ruin. I noticed she was listing off countries and when I thought she said Bhutan, I investigated further than just singing along. She actually says, “Britian”, but I love the way she delivers it, flowing all of these towns, and countries together musically.
There isn’t a video yet for this song, but it was used in the announcement of her new album, Sun.
Cat Power – Ruin Lyrics
I’ve seen gypsies who made it all the way
And kept going, kept rolling with nowhere to go
Nowhere to go.
As far as I’ve seen from the bush
In the wilderness, to every known city
I’ve been to Saudi Arabia, Dhaka, Calcutta
Soweto, Mozambique, Istanbul, Rio, Rome
Argentina, Chile, Mexico, Taiwan, Great Britain
Belfast, to the desert in Spain, Wollongong
Some little bitty island in the middle of the Pacific
All the way back home, to my town
To my town
Bitching, complaining when some people ain’t got shit to eat
Bitching, moaning, so many people you know what they ain’t got
What are we doing?
We’re sitting on a ruin
What are we doing?
We’re sitting on a ruin
As far as I’ve seen, from the bush
In the wilderness, to every known city
I’ve been to Saudi Arabia, Dhaka, Calcutta
Soweto, Mozambique, Istanbul, Rio, Rome
Argentina, Chile, Mexico, Taiwan, Great Britain
Belfast, to the desert in Spain, Tokyo
Some little bitty island in the middle of the Ṗacific
All the way back home, to my town
To my town
Bitching, complaining when some people ain’t got shit to eat
Bitching, moaning, so many people you know what they ain’t got
What are we doing?
We’re sitting on a ruin
What are we doing?
We’re sitting on a ruin
What are we doing?
We’re sitting on a ruin
What are we doing?
We’re sitting on a ruin
Get it on vinyl!
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