So my motto this year is to throw the Halloween party I want to go to rather than waiting for it to happen.
Step one: choose a costume.
I’m not a zombie fan. I’m a weenie about scary movies. I’m not a crafter (though I did once do some remarkable work with this plaster gauze to make a Frida Kahlo partial-body-cast.) I’m more a fan of something like this awkward school photo costume (photo above from Joanna Goddard‘s blog.)
A few Halloweens ago, a friend and I tried to figure out if there was a costume that wouldn’t work in the Sexy ___ formula. She achieved Sexy Lumberjack (flannel shirt tied so as to bare some midriff). My thought was Sexy Bob Ross: that trademark afro, a blue shirt and hot pants, or maybe a blue cocktail dress. I could carry around a palette of paints (optional sidekick costume as the canvas or perhaps a happy little tree or cloud?) I like this version, above, from Laurie Kendrick.
Perhaps if I had sewing skills and yards of flowing camo fabric, I might attempt either Mama June’s wedding dress or Honey Boo Boo’s flower girl look (photo from the Daily Mail UK).
WanderMan and I are spending our first Halloween together. Last year I was in Costa Rica, where we had a little party with the English conversation club, but that was about it. I wondered if we should go for a couples costume.
But when we went to the nearby Value Village, I knew it was best to tap into my usual thrift store wisdom. Don’t demand. Let the store give you what it will.
WanderMan found a skeleton costume (the packages announces a Bone Suit, which seems a bit suggestive). I found a cotton candy pink dress with giant shoulder pads (squee) and rows of fringe. The thought crossed my mind that maybe, just maybe, this could be a dress to teach in. But no, the fringe is excessive. I must draw the line somewhere.
I already have black cowboy boots, and I found a black cowboy hat for $3. With some red lipstick and the beat-up guitar sitting in the living room, I’ll be a Nashville star. A sexy Nashville star, of course.
And while that means postponing my Mama June costume ambitions, I do plan to carve her image on a pumpkin. (Thanks to my WanderBro for the link to this Mama June pumpkin pattern.
What are your plans for Halloween?