I”ve been thinking a lot about chickens lately, because I’m going on a trip where I’m going to see a LOT of them! This reminded me of the Seattle Chicken Coop and Urban Farm Tour. This annual Seattle event has been hosted by Seattle Tilth since the 1990s! The tour is self-guided , with sites […]
Something to crow about
On a bare branch a crow is perched – autumn evening ~Matsuo Basho
Hummingbird don’t fly away
Hummingbird don’t fly away, fly away. Hummingbird don’t fly away, fly away. In you I’ve found a fragrance. I’ll love you ’til I die. I just love you, love you, love you. I don’t even know the reason why. Hummingbird don’t fly away, fly away. Hummingbird don’t fly away, fly away. ~Seals and Crofts
Chasing ducks
The perils of duck hunting are great–especially for the duck. ~Walter Cronkite
Birds in autumn leaves
The red-breast whistles from a garden-croft; And gathering swallows twitter in the skies. ~John Keats, To Autumn.
Bird in a House
Bird in a House I want to sing my own song that’s all cried the bird and flew into a wall there must be some way he cried and his desperation echoed down the hall Just another bird in a house dying to get out just another bird in a house dying to get […]
Counting with birds
One little bird Two little birds Three little birds Four little birds Five little birds Six little birds Seven little birds Eight little birds Want to count on more delightful shots? Check out Delicious Baby Photo Friday!
My own back yard: Birds
If I ever go looking for my heart’s desire again, I won’t look any further than my own back yard. Because if it isn’t there, I never really lost it to begin with. ~Dorothy, Wizard of Oz Want to see more birds of a feather? Check out Delicious Baby Photo Friday!
Far from the city’s dust and heat, I get but sounds and odors sweet. Who can wonder I love to stay, Week after week, here hidden away, In this sly nook that I love best– This little brown house like a ground-bird’s nest. ~Ella Wheeler Wilcox, American poet and writer 1850-1919 Want to feather […]
Bird-chirping weather
My favorite weather is bird-chirping weather. ~Terri Guillemets Want more to chirp about? Check out Delicious Baby Photo Friday!