[I am really hungry.]
Shhhhh. Rarrr. Shew. Shhhhkk.
[I’m hungry. Like a shoe. Whoops, I mean shark. Shoe is my favorite new word.]
Ssssseee. Nananahuh. SsseeeWewewee.
[Yes, I know sharks are carnivores, but this shark is different. She likes seaweed.]
Tee-tee. Preee-tee.
[Pretty pictures too.]
Pffft. MamaananaHaitimamma.
[p.s. The author, Tamia Sheldon, is also an adoptive mama of a daughter from Haiti.]
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Yummy Seaweed Pasta Recipe
- 1/8 cup arema seaweed
- 1/2 cup chopped carrots
- 1/2 cup hot water
- 3 tablespoons natural peanut butter (or another nut butter, almond, soy, if peanut allergy)
- 3 tablespoons miso
- 3 tablespoons soy sauce
- soba noodles (6-9 ounces)
How to:
Soak the arame in cold water for 30 minutes to soften. Kids will be amazed how much water seaweed absorbs. Chop carrots into bite sized pieces, place carrots and soba noodles into a pan with water, bring to a boil and cook until both soba and carrots are tender, about 10 minutes. Add miso, soy sauce, peanut or nut butter, and hot water to a bowl and stir well. Then pour sauce into pan along with the seaweed (drain seaweed first) and bring to a low simmer. Pour mixture over soba noodles and carrots, and then toss until noodles and seaweed are well coated with sauce.
Want to sink your teeth into more deliciousness? Check out Wanderfood Wednesday!
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