It’s no secret that I love food. I mean, love food. And some of my favorite food can only be found in Europe—including chocolate, which should be a staple in any Generation-Y traveler’s diet, right? I began to think about some of my favorite places and where I would return in order to have the […]
Eating Around the World
Gaining a New Perspective on Body Image While Traveling
When you are a woman traveler, it’s almost impossible not to be a bit aware about body image. In the States, our culture is obsessed with it—it’s impossible to escape the constant bombardment of advertisements and diet trends. We have a very specific way we should look in America, and unless you are 5’9” and […]
Buon Appetito: The Comfort Foods of Italy I’ll Miss
Part of coming to Italy in the first place for me was the fascination with the food. I am enamored with Italian cuisine and the way the artisans have such a love for creating the perfect plate of pastas drenched in sauces. I’ve also found that as a pescetarian, I’ve really had no trouble enjoying […]