“Purple and pink and red.” That is what my 4 year-old niece replied when I asked her what her three favorite colors were. “Why?” she asked. “Because I’m going to make you a surprise,” I replied. That conversation occurred during one of my visits with my niece, and by the time I saw her on […]
Brooch & Button Bouquets
Brooch Bouquets for My Sisters and My Niece
In addition to the international brooch bouquet that I made for myself for our wedding, I also made three more. Two for my sisters (my bridesmaids), and one for my niece (my flower girl). I am almost a bit more proud of making these three bouquets than of mine, because I was very thoughtful and […]
My International Brooch Bouquet
Last year for our wedding, I. Made. This. Brooch. Bouquet! It has an international flair. It has contributions from family and friends. It has my favorite flower, the sunflower. It has pieces representing important parts of our lives. It has symbols of love. I came up with the concept of creating my own brooch […]