I am so excited to share with you one of my favorite places to shop, The Loaded Trunk. Today feels like an really special day to let you in on one of my best sources for global treasures as I am celebrating my one year anniversary of WanderShopper. My gift to each of you is […]
Souvenir Spotlight: Prayer Flags
Prayer flags are a popular souvenir choices for travelers to Bhutan, Nepal, Tibet or northern India. Closely associated with Tibetan Buddhism, prayer flags may have had their earliest origins in Bon traditions in the region. As you travel about these Buddhist countries, you will see these colorful banners fluttering in the wind where ever you […]
Courage My Love When Shopping Vintage Toronto
As one of the great cities in Canada for shopping, make sure to set aside some time to explore vintage Toronto and its institution Courage My Love. Founded in 1975 by Stewart Scriver and Patricia Roy who were pioneers in the second hand goods movement. At that time, most Canadians and Americans viewed used clothing […]