I am so excited to share with you one of my favorite places to shop, The Loaded Trunk. Today feels like an really special day to let you in on one of my best sources for global treasures as I am celebrating my one year anniversary of WanderShopper. My gift to each of you is […]
Discovering Lucky Buddhist Amulets in Thailand
As soon as I boarded my first plane to Bangkok, I noticed something different right away about the other passengers filing past me. Around almost everyone’s neck hung at least one pendant that was clearly special. Some had small gold Buddhas while other people had large chains with five or more medallions stationed along it […]
WanderShopping Istanbul, Turkey
Istanbul is a great city for a WanderShopper to visit so I was excited to hear from one of our readers who was looking for some information on shopping priorities for her upcoming trip. Truly a unique destination, Istanbul was founded at the crossroads where Eastern and Western cultures came together. This mingling of traditions […]