Ok, I’m really trying to embrace winter in Saskatchewan – most of my posts have been about all the cool winter activities there are in this province and beyond but I’m going to be honest. I’m getting really tired of winter. As much fun as snow can be, I don’t remember ever looking forward to spring as much as I am right now. Last week was one of the coldest we’ve had all winter. Temperatures got to -48 with the windchill! That’s downright insane and this is the time of year when it should be warming up, not getting colder. It’s like winter is getting one last kick in before it leaves for good and spring rears her beautiful head.
I’m also trying really hard not to think about where I’ve spent the last two Saskatchewan winters – on the beaches of Australia, Central and South America. As much as I try to be a good Canadian and boast of my winter survival skills, I’m really a beach girl at heart and am not cut out for six months of winter! I know that a few weeks from now I’ll be in a much better mood and will be splashing around in my rubber boots; it’s just that right now winter seems never ending!
Anyways, here’s a great post from a well-traveled writer I came across the other day, Francis Tapon. Five Ways to Travel the World for Years got me thinking about how I could fund my own yearly departure from Saskatchewan. I love summer, but could do with a much shorter winter! Any thoughts?