It’s been a while since I’ve mentioned anything about the RTW trip which was one of my reasons for starting this blog – but that doesn’t mean that I haven’t been thinking about this trip. In fact, just the opposite. There’s some good news: We have an itinerary. London to Buenos Aires overland (and circumnavigating […]
monday dreaming of chile
We have a starting point for our RTW trip: Santiago, Chile. We had discussed starting out by renting an RV and exploring the Western U.S. We considered Australia, Thailand and even Ireland. Essentially, we needed to pick a starting point and decide to stick with it so that I could start investigating airfares and accommodation […]
monday dreaming: top 5 destinations
I’m loving coming up with posts for the Monday Dreaming series started by MotherOfAllTrips. There are just so many places on this planet which I can’t wait to visit – and of course, since we’re currently planning a RTW trip with our children, we’re already brainstorming ideas for places to go and things to see […]