Sometimes you snap a photo and a caption just pops into your head. Well, it does for some people. I’m lucky if I remember to bring a camera – not mind actually managing to take photos with it. But thankfully, the WanderDad is camera-happy and a witty soul to boot. The photo above is of […]
monday dreaming of my camera
Well, not my camera exactly, the WanderDad’s camera. It was a Christmas gift from me to him, and it was the only camera we had with us on our trip to Italy. But it was stolen. Casio ZX-100 There’s nothing particularly remarkable about this camera. It’s a simple point-and-shoot, takes good photos, and is easy […]
traveling makes kids say the funniest things…
Like they need to be traveling to make them say funny things. Traveling just adds an extra fuel to the imaginative and verbal mix-ups they come out with. Kayt Sukel wrote a fun piece on why we travel with kids last week. It made me think of the whacky things my boys have said and […]