When I posted about visiting San Francisco for Thanksgiving last year, I showed the photos we’d taken of our boys with the Golden Gate bridge in the background on previous trips. This has become a family tradition which we were hoping to be able to continue on this trip. Well, we did get a photo, […]
San Francisco
UFO Response Team in san francisco
We spotted this while walking along Lower Haight St in San Francisco. CAM and BigB were suitably fascinated and BigB is still young enough to seriously wonder whether it really was a UFO Response Team. Wander on over to DeliciousBaby for more Photo Friday fun. Related Posts The SF Muni Boat Tram A Public Transit-Only […]
the SF muni boat tram
 As I said in my previous post, we used public transit for all our transportation needs during our recent visit to San Francisco: buses, trams and rail. But then again, it was San Francisco, so I wasn’t surprised to see some more unusual public transportation options such as this Boat Tram which trundles along […]