I’m off to Chicago to meet a long list of travel blogging friends in person (mostly for the first time) at TBEX in Chicago this coming Sunday including: Jamie from TravelSavvyMom, Mara from MotherOfAllTrips, hopefully a few of the fine gals from the TravelingMamas, Jessie from WanderingEducators and many more. It’s going to be a blast!
I’ve enjoyed reading about the exploits of some other Seattle-based travel bloggers on their road-trip from Seattle to Chicago at TBEX Road Trip, but now it’s my turn to hop on a plane and visit the Windy City (also for the first time). This time I’ll be traveling without my children and boy am I going to savor every moment of waiting, boarding and flying without the possibility of having juice or food spilled on me. It’s the little things people, they add up to wondrous treasures that you might not even notice 🙂
I’ve been checking out the fun things to see and do in Chicago using the City of Chicago’s Official Tourism Site – it’s a great resource for anyone planning a visit.
See ya when I get back folks!