The WanderLit blog has migrated to a new site. Come on along for the adventure.
Next up: Mardi Gras, Literary New Orleans, and a Disney cruise! Just click below to pick up where we left off.
Read ~ Write ~ Wander
The WanderLit blog has migrated to a new site. Come on along for the adventure.
Next up: Mardi Gras, Literary New Orleans, and a Disney cruise! Just click below to pick up where we left off.
If moms can do it, grannies can do it! After all, some of us mature, sophisticated women still believe in magic. So for my 7-day Disney cruise, I decided to emulate a different character each evening for dinner.
Now that all those little, winter holidays are over, it’s time to focus on the real party season: CARNIVAL! Mardi Gras is just around the corner. That means reds and greens are coming down and purples, golds, and greens are going up. King cakes are baking and parades are stepping off. While the rest of […]