Being a tenth generation Texan, I really had no clue what a true winter was like until I visited Québec City during Winter Carnival. Walking around while the temperature hovered around 0℉ and the snow was falling really brought out my inner child. I was in awe. I found it quite difficult to stay warm […]
Winter in Québec, Canada!
A few weeks ago, I had the pleasure of experiencing a true winter, where the temperature never got above freezing, and it snowed every day. Being a tenth generation Texan, my body didn’t quite know how to handle it. In addition to some life-changing memories, unfortunately I brought home an upper respiratory infection that I […]
Jindrichuv Hradec, Czech Republic – Visual Diary In Southern Bohemia
The black plague statue just after sunset. Vajgar Lake was covered with a layer of dense fog as we drove into town. It was both spooky and beautiful. We arrived at our venue, Bar 69, with enough time to relax and eat the vegan snacks they provided for us, including fresh fruit, dark chocolate, and […]