Photo by courtesy of Flickr The stark images of hurricane Super Storm Sandy‘s impact show one devastating scene after another. Loss of lives, uprooted trees, fallen power lines, facades sheared off buildings . . . A friend from New Jersey writes: “The winds are terrifying. The Jersey Shore is obliterated.” No one likes to imagine […]
New York
Shot on Location: 7 Movie Destinations for Valentine’s Day
Travelers at heart can visit any one of several romantic destinations on Valentine’s Day in the click of an eye through the magic of movies. Cuddle up with or without your sweetie and pass the popcorn and kleenex . . . An Affair to Remember An ocean liner headed for New York City sets the […]
The Best of 2011: Hotels & Haciendas
Here are my top hotel choices from my travels in 2011 . . . Drumroll, please! 1) Hacienda Cusin – If you’ve been following my blog, then you already know much I loved staying at this luxurious Ecuadorian resort last summer. My only regret is that my visit was so short, only for a night. […]
A Fast 48 Hours in New York City – Part Three
Wow! Thanks to all my readers for adding your suggestions to my list of Must-sees and Do’s in New York City. I’ll be sure to add your favorites on my next visit. Here’s what made my final cut during my most recent quick trip: 11) I never tire of taking the Staten Island Ferry to see […]
A Fast 48 Hours in New York City – Part Two
View of the New York City Skyline in Lower Manhattan If only my travel dates to New York City had coincided with the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade! Maybe next year . . . In the meantime, I was still able to cross a few more items off my list of Must Sees and Do’s on this fast-paced […]
A Fast 48 Hours in New York City – Part One
If you’re fortunate to fly into New York City often, you have the luxury of knowing that whatever you miss on one trip, you can make up for on the next. But if you’re an infrequent visitor to The Big Apple like me, just remember, you can catch up on your sleep when you get […]