View from Dry Hollow Vineyards
For Seattleites seeking a sunny getaway, The Dalles, Oregon offers a welcome solution. For starters, compare Seattle’s average yearly precipitation of 38 inches with The Dalles’ average of 14.6 inches. That’s about 150 days of rain in Seattle versus 93 or so in central Oregon each year, thanks to the Cascades Mountains, which in effect divides our wet coastal zones from the typically drier climate on the eastern side of the range.
Columbia Gorge
The Dalles derived its name from the French word dalles meaning “flagstones,” stones used to flag gutters. With basalt columns lining the narrow Columbia Gorge, French traders traveling the river rapids no doubt saw the resemblance.
But you don’t have to run the rapids to soak up the sun and appreciate the natural beauty of the local landscape. Go for a hike, hop on a bike or stroll the riverfront. Just go – and don’t forget your sunscreen.
Wander on!
Next up: Top 10 Reasons to Visit The Dalles
For more fun on Photo Friday, be sure and check out Delicious Baby.
Where do you go for sun, Wanderboomers?
Patricia Sands says
So cool to see The Dalles here! I found that area of Oregon beautiful and fascinating. The Gorge was packed with windsurfers when we visited – a virtual gridlock that was amazing to experience! Thanks for sharing it with us.
Nancy Mueller says
The windsurfers weren’t out on my recent visit, Patricia, but I agree that they’re a sight to behold when they are! I love watching their colorful sails fly across the water . . . Stay tuned for more on The Dalles in upcoming posts.
Valorie Grace Hallinan says
We are heading for Oregon this summer and we’re especially interested in the drier, sunnier side of the Cascades. Looking forward to your next post!
Nancy Mueller says
Thanks, Valerie! I have lots of suggestions for you coming right up. Stay tuned ~