Actually I was a LOT younger than 17. But never mind.
Okay, let me say at the outset that this is not going to be one of my regular travel blogs. For this one, we’re going to travel back in time to the ’60’s and my love affair with Paul. You know who I’m talking about, don’t you? That would be “Sir Paul” to you today, but back then he was simply the object of my teenage longing.
Last week I responded to the news of his recent engagement in much the way you might expect:
Oh, NO! Not again!!
First, I had to compete with his girlfriend, Jane Asher. Then it was Linda, followed much later by Heather. Now it’s Nancy. I’ve been patient, biding my time, waiting for just the right moment to make my move. And now he’s slipped through my fingers yet again.
Wait – my name is Nancy. Is it possible – do you think – could this be – a case of mistaken identity – or worse, ID fraud!? Think about it. Nancy Shevell’s family is in the transportation business. My dad was a traveling salesman, I’m a travel writer. Nancy Shevell is a brunette, I have been on occasion. See where this is going? Just sayin’ . . . She’s 51, I’m – well, okay, she’s got me beat there. But I was once!
Ah, Paul. Only back then we never just said the Beatles’ names. It was more like PAUL!! JOHN!! GEORGE!! RINGO!! We swooned, we fainted, we screamed our way into adulthood.
Flash back to the local theater in Oneonta, New York, where we tween girls – and two boys – packed the place to capacity to see the film, A Hard Day’s Night. We never did hear any of the dialogue or the music because we screamed ourselves hoarse throughout the entire movie. Newspapers reported the next day that our screams could be heard from three blocks away. Only three blocks?
Back then we chose our closest friends based on who our favorite Beatle was. I claimed Paul at the outset and my more serious friend had dibs on John. Then we coerced her quiet sister into choosing George, and another friend was left with Ringo. The truth was we loved them all, but my heart was set on Paul.
I had all the Beatles’ cards, albums, posters and magazines. I wanted desperately to travel to New York City to see them at Shea Stadium. But my parents nixed that idea fast. I think the real reason I ended up leaving my small hometown in Upstate New York was because of the photos I had seen of the group fishing out of the window of their hotel room at The Edgewater Inn. What could be more fun than that?
Alas! Times change, the Beatles have long since dispersed, and Paul is engaged yet again to someone not me.
I’d feel even worse except for the fact that Sir Paul and his fiancée Nancy look so gosh-darn happy and head-over-heels for each other that it’s hard for me to hold a grudge. But, remember, Sir Paul, if you ever want to drop me a line, feel free to leave me a comment here, just sayin’ . . .
Photo credits: Flickr – Photo by slagheap, Drawing by tanfelisa
Who was your favorite Beatle, Wanderboomers? What are your favorite Beatles’ memories? Songs?
“I get by with a little help from my friends” – even if their name is Nancy 😉
Hi Nancy, Paul was my favourite, hands down. I grew up about 12
miles from Liverpool, right in the thick of it all. ‘Hard Days
Night’ was the second movie I saw at a movie theatre. Favourite
Beatles song? Has to be ‘Yesterday,’ the perfect song for anyone
with a melancholic personality! Thanks for sharing, really enjoy
your blog, Elizabeth.
I liked Ringo. I used to have a thing for drummers! My favorite memory is playing charades with the neighbor kids based on Beatles’ songs.
Ha, ha! I like that song, too. Actually, there are very few Beatles songs that I don’t like ~
How lucky were you, Elizabeth!? To think you breathed the same air as Paul!! “Yesterday” is one of my all-time favorites. Thanks for your kind comments ~
All ya gotta do is “Act Naturally,” Elizabeth! Ringo rounded out the rest of the group well. I love the idea of playing charades based on Beatles songs!
This was an entertaining and educational post…The Beattles were before my time…I was supposed to fall in love with New Kids on the Block, but I could never quite do it. I loved this window into your soul and your never-ending love affair with Sir Paul. I enjoyed this! MMF
Hi, Meagan ~
I’m so glad you liked my post! You’re right – this one is from the heart. For those who were born after the Beatles time, it might be hard to understand how completely over-the-moon, infatuated we were by their music, their haircuts . . . They were so unlike anything we had seen or heard before. I loved their sense of humor & play and that they didn’t seem to take themselves too seriously. They were having fun and let the rest of us in on it.
So funny! I was on Team Paul, too! Absolutely adored those puppy dog, sad eyes. But I just can’t believe he’s marrying again. Why? Because he wants to have children? Let’s just hope this time he has the sense for a pre-nup!
Ah, Monica – like me – Sir Paul is a true romantic and optimist, don’t you think? That’s why he’s marrying again. He believes in love! And I think Nancy can take care of herself financially :-).