Tucked in a little pocket valley just behind the mid-century Hotel Quito are the sweet winding streets of Guapulo, one of Quito’s oldest barrios. The neighborhood spills down the street from a mirador just behind Hotel Quito, and the views at this spot are spectacular. On a clear day, you can see far across the […]
Arts & Entertainment
Instant RTW Trip: A Summer World Music Playlist
Ahh, the sounds of summer. For me, it’s a time to dial up the world music and set to dreaming. I’ve compiled a batch of sunny, inspirational global tunes that’s on heavy rotation at my house, and I’m happy to share this instant round-the-world musical trip with you, my fellow music and culture lovers. Suitable […]
Vancouver’s Listel Hotel: Art with a (Green) Heart
There seems to be a disturbing trend in the “eco-lodging” title these days. Magazine and websites herald “top green hotel picks” aplenty, but rarely reveal any true sustainability beyond organic cotton sheets or recycling bins. (A good start, but not a long-term sustainability plan!) Vancouver’s Listel Hotel does just the opposite. Beneath its classy exterior, […]