We have a winner!
Lindsay Pond’s Sahara Dunes
got the most points amongst our judges.
Yay for Lindsay! She wins an XShot Pro Ultimate Camera Extender for GoPro and Digital Cameras!
Check out our other contests.
Please join us by entering the March Travel Photo Contest by submitting your images that fit the theme: Make it Grand. For this show us some big fun in off the beaten path places.
Show us some big fun in off the beaten path places!
Submit your favorite travel images that fall under this month’s theme. As they come in, we’ll post them below.
See full details on how to submit your images for this monthly travel photo contest. See last month’s entries here.
Then, check back to see what the competition looks like.
March’s winner will receive an XShot Pro Ultimate Camera Extender for GoPro and Digital Cameras!
Note – this prize can only be shipped to US addresses – SORRY!
Now, go find those photos of your travels to off the beaten path places so we can fill this page with fun images!
Here are the entries for this month’s contest
(updated every few days).
Abraham Liandro’s High Times – My friend enjoying the view from “up there”
Melissa Curtiss’ Grand Time at Edfu Temple, Egypt
Jessica Berry’s Mt. Mcloughlin in the great state of Oregon
Lindsay Pond’s Sahara Camels
Rebekah Barker’s India Snake Charmers, Amber Fort