I look really excited in this picture, but the truth is I was scared! All I could think was, “Thank goodness I’m not jumping out of a plane!” A few years ago I had that impulse — kind of like a mid-life I’ve never done that! type of feeling. I still haven’t. But today I […]
Snohomish County
7 Things to Bring to a Farmers Market
Since I tend to be a spur-of-the-moment person, I often don’t plan ahead about what I will need on an adventure. As I approached the Garden Market in Edmonds I realized a few things that would have made my time there a bit more enjoyable — although I did enjoy it anyway. However, I felt inspired to pass along a short list of what you should bring when going to an outdoor market, so here goes:
Garden tours to inspire!
There’s nothing like visiting a garden for an afternoon to get away from it all — especially if you don’t have to do any of the work it takes to enjoy it! For those living in the Seattle area, there are several garden tours in June and July that provide inspiration and teach you […]