I’m taking off on new adventures. I’m traveling to new destinations. I’m going in new directions. But wait, I’m really not going that far. At least for my blogging, that is. I’ll still be blogging on Wanderlust and Lipstick. I’m just changing the name of my blogs from “Tea, Sugar, a Dream” to “Debby’s Departures.” […]
Galapagos Islands
a photographic journey of my shoes and feet
Have you ever taken a picture of your shoes or feet on purpose? Have you ever done this when you are traveling? Perhaps you have, as I know of at least one other person, aside from myself, who has had fun with this photographic technique. Well, it is not really a technique, but an art […]
lounging in the grass in the sun
Awww! Isn’t that the cutest baby bird you ever saw? Of course, I say that about lots of birds that I see – the Penguin and the Blue-Footed Booby, to name a few. But this cute baby was actually about a foot and a half tall, maybe even two feet – larger than many adult […]