Preliminary itinerary created. Time off work requested. Deposit check paid. Bags are packed. I’m going to Bhutan! Well, ok, maybe the bags aren’t packet yet. But I am going to Bhutan!
Bhutan. Land of the Thunder Dragon. A place where their quality of life is measured by Gross National Happiness, rather than Gross Domestic Product. Where they’ve been considered the eighth happiest country on this planet. Nestled in the Himalayas, surrounded by Tibet, Nepal, India, and China. Where Buddhism is the main religion and agriculture is a way of life. Sprinkled with temples and monasteries and prayer flags and prayer wheels. Where thirteen traditional arts and crafts are mastered. Where archery is the national sport and the takin is the national animal. Where trekking is common, and festivals abound.
Bhutan’s National Flag
In October of this year, I will be joining Beth Whitman of Wanderlust and Lipstick, and WanderTours, on her Bhutan Laya Trek. But I’m planning on extending her trip, however, arriving in Bhutan a few days ahead in order to experience a festival and a few additional places. And after the Laya Trek trip, I will stay longer in the country and venture to the middle to gather other happy experiences.
Bhutan’s National Animal, The Takin
Please stay tuned for blogs about my planning of this trip, how it came to be, research that I am doing to learn more about the country, and how I prepare over the next six months until departure.
Bhutan’s National Flower, The Blue Poppy
Of course, I shall continue to blog about past trips to Vietnam, to Europe, to the Galapagos, and other assorted travels.
Sweet (and Happy) Travels!
Photo Credits: All from Wikipedia.