I’m taking off on new adventures. I’m traveling to new destinations. I’m going in new directions. But wait, I’m really not going that far. At least for my blogging, that is. I’ll still be blogging on Wanderlust and Lipstick. I’m just changing the name of my blogs from “Tea, Sugar, a Dream” to “Debby’s Departures.” […]
Skagit Valley Tulip Festival: Red is for Perfect Love
Tulips. A spring-blooming perennial flower. The world’s third most popular flower, after the rose and the chrysanthemum. Indigenous to areas of North America, Europe, Africa, and Asia. With around 100 species, and 3,000 cultivated varieties. While red is the predominant color, tulips can be seen in a wide variety of shapes, heights, and colors, except […]
Visions of Vietnam: Inspirational Working Women
In preparing to write my “Visions of Vietnam” blogs, I sat down with my photo albums and looked through my pictures. I began to write down a list of the photos, and then categorized them into blog ideas. You may have already read my three blogs on the category of children, and last week’s blog […]