I want some milk. Sweetheart–May I have some milk… May I have some milk please, Mama. Here you go. What do you say? Thank you, Mama. Like most small children, my daughter knows the right words. We do our best to teach her manners, and one day I hope she’ll understand why her mama and […]
Turkey Hugger
Some people are tree huggers. My daughter is a turkey hugger. A delicious day of thanks! Take the road less traveled, Beth
The Wishbone
When I was a little girl, my sister and I watched with rapt attention as Dad carved the Thanksgiving turkey and carefully removed the wishbone. When dinner was over, the tug of war began. We closed our eyes, held on tightly to one side of the wishbone, made a wish, and hoped to be the […]
An Orphan’s Thanksgiving
For many years I spent Thanksgiving solo. After I graduated from high school, I left home, went to college, and then moved 3,000 miles away from my family. I spent many-a-Thanksgiving as an “orphan,” wandering from household to household. Here are a few glimpses from some of my more memorable orphan Thanksgivings: “Kentucky-themed” Thanksgiving: Suffice […]
When you wish upon a star
This morning I read Baby Bird a new book, Olivia and the Fairy Princess. She loves the original Olivia and I’d heard great reports about this book too. In this book, Olivia is having an identity crisis. There are too many ruffled, sparkly princesses around. She wants to do more than just fit in. She […]
The last of the leftovers: Turkey Leek Risotto
Thanksgiving has a few time honored traditions for those of us who cook a turkey: first, you eat your turkey. Next, you have seconds. Later, you wrap up all the turkey leftovers. Then, for the remainder of the week, or for as long as you can mentally gear up, you make turkey sandwiches for lunch, […]
Stock up! Four tips and four tricks for making great turkey stock
Big Papa headed off to work with his turkey sandwich today, just like he’s done every day since we grilled our post-Thanksgiving turkey this past Saturday. I’m sure some of you, or at least those who eat turkey, have been scouring the internet looking for turkey leftover recipes. But, have you considered what to do […]
Giving thanks for breath
For the past several Thanksgivings, I’ve attended a fundraiser at my gym for Food Lifeline. I get to take a spin class on the holiday, people in need get food: it’s a win-win. I pedal furiously, sweat profusely and breathe hard. And, with every breath, I tell myself how grateful I am to be able […]
Brined, smoked and glazed: the BEST turkey ever
About fifteen years ago, I attended a “Kentucky-themed” Thanksgiving feast (Thank you, Alice!). If memory serves, most of the recipes featured bourbon. At least that’s what I remember. That and the turkey. This turkey was the best tasting turkey I’d ever had. Brined, smoked and glazed: it had that whole salty-sweet, moist-crisp thing goin’ on. […]
Happy things
Eleven months ago, Big Papa and I started a new habit. Every night, before we go to sleep, we take turns and share a few “happy things” from our day. Then we offer an “appreciation,” something about each other that we are grateful for. I came up with this idea to counterbalance the frustration, fears […]