The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper. ~W.B. Yeats Each Tuesday, Baby Bird and I have a standing appointment with Miss. K. Miss K. helps us overcome challenges Baby Bird has faced after spending the first year of her life in an orphanage. We park our car […]
Two years ago in Armenia
Two years ago in Armenia…we awoke in Yerevan and made ourselves a cup of Armenian coffee. Okay, we made several cups. Next we had breakfast: Matsun (yogurt). I heart Matsun. Omelets (nice work Big Papa!)…and more Armenian coffee. of course. Then we walked down the stairs of our apartment and waited for our taxi and […]
Du lait s’il vous plait: milk in another language
Du lait s’il vous plait.” Milk please,” my daughter requested at school yesterday. In French. Unprompted. Baby Bird has been attending two half-days of French preschool. She has only been to preschool six times and is already asking milk in French. Not that I’m surprised. Language is her strong suit. She LOVES books and reading, […]
Armenian Matnakash Bread Recipe
Four years ago, this week, Big Papa and I visited Armenia for the first time and ate Armenian Matnakash Bread. This bread was our introduction to Armenian cuisine. I remember we arrived late at night and were very hungry. On the dining room table in the apartment where we were staying, our host had left […]
Lovely Lancaster
We spent a long weekend in lovely Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Green rolling hill, cows dotting the landscape, horses pulling buggies, and Amish men and women dressed in plain, simple clothing. “Miracles come after a lot of hard work.” ~Sue Bender, Plain and Simple: A Journey to the Amish Want to see more simple beauty? Check out […]
Armenian Angels in the Sunlight
We shall find peace. We shall hear angels. We shall see the sky sparkling with diamonds. ~Anton Chekhov Want to see more angelic shots? Check out Delicious Baby Photo Friday!
On being a real mom
Real isn’t how you are made,’ said the Skin Horse. ‘It’s a thing that happens to you. When a child loves you for a long, long time, not just to play with, but REALLY loves you, then you become Real. ”Does it hurt?’ asked the Rabbit.’Sometimes,’ said the Skin Horse, for he was always truthful. […]
Pampers and Pakhlava turns four!
“When I am writing, my problems become invisible, and I am the same person I always was. All is well. I am as I should be.” ~Roger Ebert Dear readers, April has nearly come and gone without a post to celebrate the 4th anniversary of my blog. On April 13, 2009, Pampers and Pakhlava went […]
Brandy and baby food
Our five hour flight from Yerevan to London passed without a hitch. Baby Bird even fell asleep for a couple hours. I couldn’t believe our luck. When we landed at Heathrow we knew a long layover awaited us. The airport was hot and sticky, and once we finished our requisite lunch of bangers and mash, […]
Two planes, 26 hours and 6,336 miles
We set our alarm for 3:30 a.m. and awoke, bleary-eyed, to what would be the start of a very long day. A full, luminous moon was the only light in the pitch black sky. Two floors below us, Tumanyan Street, lay silent: no horns blaring, no cacophony of people passing below on the sidewalk. It […]