This little piggy went to the Madrona Farmers Market. This little piggy stayed home (to tend to the garden). This little piggy ate grass-fed roast beef. This little piggy had none (vegetarian). And this little piggy went “wee, wee, wee, wee” all the way home (to the Urban Cabin).
Last Friday was this season’s kick-off for the farmers market in our neighborhood and this little piggy was one happy camper. I’m a sucker for farmers markets wherever they may be, but when it’s less than a mile from the Urban Cabin, well that’s nothing short of nirvana in my book.
Oh farmers market how I love thee. Let me count the ways. First there are all the yummy farm fresh veggies. How can you possibly go wrong with home grown greens? Whether it’s my favorite ‘Samantha’ lettuce or tasty lemon cukes, there’s nothing like just-picked-off –the- vine goodness. The only thing better is when the food is coming from my own back forty.
Then there are all the friendly market folks who sell a diverse selection of deliciousness: Michelle, the “potato lady,” who plies potatoes for Olsen Farms and is also an adoptive mom; Tim and David, the “fish guys” from Wilson Fish who offer up the biggest smiles and some of the freshest, best tasting salmon I’ve ever had; the sweet dynamic duo from Whidbey Island Ice Cream who are the reason all the kids (and many adults) within fifty feet have faces covered with ice cream; and, newbies like lovely Lucy who sells sensuous teas with kicky packaging and healthful benefits.
I actually look forward to seeing the same sellers on a weekly basis. Giving my money to hardworking people I “know” is, in my opinion, the best possible way to part with my dollars. It feels like a big extended community and I’m sure that’s one of the reasons anything that comes home with me from the market tastes oh-so-much better.
Watching the other market goers who, just like me, have huge grins on their faces is another reason I get giddy about going to the market. We swarm around like a big school of fish grabbing our cheese here and our eggs there as we fill up our sustainable shopping bags until they are brimming with bounty. It’s a chance to gather your grub while enjoying a local adventure all wrapped up into one earthy package.
Seattle is blessed with farmers markets aplenty. There are probably at least a dozen on the west side of the pond (Lake Washington) and a number of markets on the east side too. I’ve visited several of them and they each have their own unique features and charm, but of course there’s something pretty cool about having a farmers market that’s practically in your own backyard.
Opening day for the Madrona Farmers Market was as perfect as it could be. The sun warmed my shoulders. I got to catch up with old friends (hello Wilson Fish!) and make some new ones (nice to meet you, Lucy). A couple tomato plants accompanied me home and are now enjoying their new digs in one of our raised planter beds, and Big Papa and I enjoyed the fruits from my market foraging all weekend long. Summertime and market memories here I come. A fine way indeed to spend a Friday afternoon.
Eat your veggies and more on Wanderfood Wednesday!
Great post! I’m a huge fan of farmer’s markets too. I recently posted my homage to markets, which included a couple of links to sites where you can find markets anywhere you go:
Great post. I miss the farmer’s markets. We have outdoor (sort of farmer markets) here in Korea, but not really the same atmosphere of those in North America.
That’s fascinating Nancie…I always assume markets internationally have those in the U.S. beat, but maybe not so everywhere. I remember going to markets on the east coast when I was a kid, but I do think (happily) there’s been a resurgence of interest in recent years…at least in Seattle.
Farmers’ markets do tend to turn people into pigs… or grazing cows. So much fun, though.
I think that you are my farmer’s market soul mate haha… I am a complete farmer’s-market-aholic, and if I lived in Seattle, I’m sure I’d have even more of a problem. I went to Seattle last summer and had the pleasure of going to a market, and I was just so pleasantly overwhelmed with all of the flowers,fruits and veggies, and seafood…. just heaven. 🙂
Stephanie-I am so lucky and I know it! Like you, I seek them out wherever I am. The whole experience just sucks me in!
You got that right! When berry season is full swing, I always buy at least two pints because I always gobble down one before I get home!