You’ve made a legendary decision: to take six months or a year off and move overseas on a working holiday visa. I applaud your efforts, fully support your movements to . . . where? Where will you go? What foreign country tempts you? Which thinly-drawn borders on the map are you dying to cross as […]
working holiday visa
Workabout Worry #6: Which Independent Visa Agency Should I Use?
Q: I’ve decided to apply for my working holiday visa through an independent visa agency. Which agency should I use? What do I need to know before I contact them? A: Visa agencies act as the middle man between you and a country’s Immigration Department, helping you apply for a working holiday visa. Besides streamlining […]
Itchy Feet, Empty Wallet And Other Side Effects of The Travel Bug
“You have the Travel Bug worse than anyone else I know.” Molly shook her head at me and passed back the map of Poland. We were debating the next move: north to Gdansk, west to Poznan, another night in Torun? I’d offered an enthusiastic “Yes!” to each suggestion, much to the frustration of the divided […]