Q: How can I apply for a working holiday visa? Is it better to apply through a visa agency, like BUNAC, or independently and directly through Immigration? A: There are two ways to apply for a working holiday visa (regardless of which country you’re applying to): how you do this depends on how much help […]
Workabout Worries
Will I Be In A Shark Attack If I Swim In Australia? (And Other Questions About Working Holiday Visas)
Q: Will I be in a shark attack if I swim in Australia? Rumor has it that you have more chance of being hit by a coconut (yes, they have those in Australia, too) than of being caught in the jaws of a hungry Great White. You’re also twice as likely to be caught in […]
Workabout Worry #4: How Do I Buy International Travel Insurance?
My parents purchased my first travel insurance policy. At age 22, I was barely able to keep track of my passport, let alone organize my life after graduation. Nervous for their daughter’s apparent immaturity, Mom and Dad arranged for an international plan that would cover a month of health risks while backpacking through Europe. Mom […]