For the first time in recent memory, I went on a trip without my laptop. (This post is being composed on my husband’s computer, which we brought along with us to enable trip-planning. Someday we might begin a trip with the entire itinerary arranged ahead of time; this is not that day.) For a writer, […]
Travel Safe: Always Vet Your Airbnb or CouchSurfing Host
Last summer, we arrived in Lilongwe, the capital of Malawi, at 2:00 in the morning without having arranged any accommodation. The bus depot was dark and primarily deserted, save a few people huddled around scattered fires. Given the darkness and dearth of transportation options, our bus driver offered to let everyone sleep on the bus […]
Cultivating Courage with Arm Balances
Yesterday, while in a vinyasa class I had chosen for its likelihood of getting me sweaty, the (incredible) instructor said something that really resonated with me. She opened the class by letting us know that the afternoon’s goal would be to move toward Padmasana, or Lotus Pose. In preparation for Lotus Pose, we did a lot […]