It seems like every time I check my email or Facebook another friend is getting engaged, married or knocked up. Well, today I have a little announcement of my own… Not nearly as exciting or life-changing — heck, I don’t even know what my next travel plans are — but, I’ve been working on a […]
Did that just happen?
Confessions of a High School English Teacher #5-8
Yes, there’s more… Sports Day – The Thai school concept of ‘Sports Day’ is an interesting one. Less about sports and more about the appearance of everything else (a procession! sets! costumes! routines!). I heard a director of a well-known school’s English program only be able to describe Sports Day as “Uh, well, it’s…sexy”. This […]
Confessions of a High School English Teacher #1-4
These aren’t as much confessions as anecdotes, but “Anecdotes of a High School English Teacher” just doesn’t have quite the same ring to it. My career as a full-time English teacher in Thailand was short-lived. To be fair, I came over here to be able to live in THAILAND, not necessarily to be a teacher. […]