I’ve recently been traveling quite a lot with my boyfriend. We both share a love of going new places and heading to unexpected locales. We crave authentic experiences and love telling stories (that’s what happens when you’re both writers). However, traveling with your significant other is far different from traveling on your own. Here are […]
On the Road
Travel Locations Inspired by Media: 4 of My Favorites
Have you ever been inspired to head to a location because you have seen it one of your favorite films or you read about it in an engrossing book? Media has been one of my biggest travel inspirations. I remember watching the old classic An American in Paris with Gene Kelly or Roman Holiday with […]
Traveling Authentically: Chacala, Mexico
I was in Mexico a little more than two weeks ago in the tiny fishing village of Chacala. When most people think of visiting Mexico, large vacation destinations filled with resorts come to mind. However, where we were in the northern part of Nayarit had an entirely different feel to it and it made me […]