Longan, pomelo, jack fruit, mango, papaya, custard apple, sapodilla, oranges, limes, grapes, berries, coconut, pineapple… Southeast Asia offers an endless abundance of ripe, bright, flavorful fruit that’s difficult to ignore – especially considering several kinds look like something out of “Little Shop of Horrors”…
Rambutan: A lychee-like fruit that looks like sea anemone on the outside and a gelatinous egg on the inside, mmmmm.
Mangosteen: One of my favorites – juicy, sweet & tangy slices of heaven.
Rose Apple and Guava: Not my favorites, although guava is often eaten as a snack dipped in a salt/sugar/chili mixture that is a real trip for the tastebuds.
Dragon Fruit, Mangosteen, Tomatoes and Green Mangoes: The inside of the dragon fruit comes in either white or dark fuchsia, flecked with tiny black seeds like a poppy seed muffin. Green mango is also eaten with the aforementioned spicy sugar goodness. Tomatoes are…tomatoes.
The Infamous Durian: Fleshy with a rotten, sickly sweet/overripe smell durian is considered the “King of Fruit”. It is also not allowed in hotels for fear that guests will think something died in the wall.
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