Having two small kids, both of which were born here, I get a lot of questions about having a family abroad. Interestingly, I also get asked about single life, or more accurately, if it is easier for singles or families to move abroad (or vice versa)? Let’s get the short, obvious answer out of the […]
moving abroad tip
Life Overseas: 7 Mistakes New Expats Make in the First 7 Days
Has this ever happened to you? You are making a drive to a destination you’ve never actually been to but fully believe you know how to get there. Oh, yeah, I know how to get there. I’ve been to that “area” before – you tell yourself. Only when you’re driving you realize that wasn’t the place at all and, […]
Packing Like a Pro in 6 Suitcases – Phase 3: The Homestretch and Extra Tips
Last Suitcase In the last week we’ve packed our first two suitcases with clothes, our next two with electronics and technology gadgets, and our 5th with some first day comforts which just leaves us with the 6th suitcase to pack. The good news for you is that when Husband and I were packing for our overseas […]