“What is the one thing that makes you feel like home?” Somebody asked me this the other day, wondering what exactly it was that I couldn’t live without now that our life will usually have to fit in a few suitcases. And for me, the answer is simple…. a comforter. This comforter: I bought this […]
Items for living abroad
Am I Screwing Up My Kids?
I often worry about my kids. I know that’s something that all parents say, and while I join rank with these parents in the traditional sense of worrying (will they get picked on, how will they do in school, will they be happy, etc.), my worry at times stems from our choice of living abroad. I […]
Packing like a Pro in 6 Suitcases – Phase 2: After the Clothes
After the Clothes (Suitcase 3) Now that the clothes are packed it is time to put our focus elsewhere. To start, if you are relocated for a job, many places will give you a relocation stipend which means fun shopping when you arrive for items like pots, pans, lamps, or other home necessities so no need to pack […]