Caution: There are a lot of delicious pictures in this blog.
Caution: You might be hungry after looking through this blog.
Needless to say I ate pretty well while walking the 482-mile Camino Francés and the 18-mile Camino Finisterre to Muxía. There were plenty of restaurants, bars, and cafés along the way.
I eat mostly vegetarian when I travel (and I also am mostly vegetarian at home). Therefore there are only a few pictures in this blog with just a bit of meat in them. But not to worry, there are definitely plenty of meat options on the Camino de Santiago as well.
I started out this blog with some pictures of my favorite vegetarian plates – grilled vegetables, a vegetable sandwich with the only smoothie I found along the way, a grilled tortilla filled with veggies, and warmed bread topped with tomatoes and cheese.
Then there were the salads – some simple with just lettuce and a few vegetables, and some more elaborate.
I ate many soups, including a lentil soup, and gazpacho.
Pastas were available, some simple, and some more elaborate.
It was hard to find crema de cacahuete (peanut butter) along the Camino, but when I did, I ate as much as I could, and even bought a jar to take with me in my day pack as I walked. This peanut butter is pictured with a homemade almond cake.
Many times I actually ate eggs and bananas as my power breakfast. (I know, not vegetarian.) Or a plate of eggs with French fries, grilled tomatoes, and grilled vegetables.
I didn’t find too many bagels along the Camino, but when I did, they were delicious.
I loved the tapas, and sometimes would order at least a half dozen to fill me up as a meal. Such as fried camembert cheese balls topped with honey and balsamic vinegar, or goat’s cheese topped with onion, raisins, and balsamic vinegar. (Ok, there is a bit of various meats in two of these tapas pictures.)
And then there were pizzas. And even falafel.
I loved just a plate of French fries and a salad, especially at the ocean.
You can also make your own vegetarian picnics by buying your own food along the Camino de Santiago such as fresh fruits and vegetables, dried fruits, nuts, fresh bread, cheeses, and that peanut butter I mentioned above.
Restaurants serve what is called a Pilgrim’s Menu. For a very reasonable fixed price, you get a starter course, a second/main course, bread, dessert, and water and/or wine. There were usually two to four options to choose from for the starter and second/main courses. Because many of the options especially in the second/main course contained meat, the restaurants allowed me to order two starter courses without meat.
I also loved drinking fresh squeezed orange juice as much as I could along the way. There have been several glasses in the pictures in this blog.
And paella. Yes, I know there is some seafood in this paella, but how can one pass up paella in Spain?
I hope you enjoyed looking at some of the vegetarian food along the Camino de Santiago that I ate.
Oh, and don’t forget about all those delicious desserts.
Buen provecho!
Sweet Travels!
For more blogs about my 502-mile, 47-day journey across northern Spain and up the Atlantic Coast, please visit my Camino de Santiago category.
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